Friday, June 13, 2014

A Blog joins the family

Hello! Guess what this means? It means Louie and Bernie's bunch has moved out into the world of blogging. This is a place where we can post our stories, past and present. Hopefully it can help us stay in closer contact since we live in so many diverse places. I'm not the best blogger so I'll need everyone to help come up with posts. Currently I'm the only admin so for now posts have to come through me, but if someone wants to co-author this thing....well I just might take you up on that.

First a little business. This blog IS open to the public, just so you know. Please don't leave comments with things like addresses, phone numbers, etc as they will be available to the public.We'll be keeping the family group on fb which is PRIVATE so you can feel free to post addresses, etc. there. I'm going to use my other blog's e-mail address for this site. It gets a lot less traffic so it's less likely that things you send for posting will get lost so if you know my private e-mail please don't use it. Please send posts to craftmearunner @ gmail (dot) com (shove it all together and use a period where it  says (dot) ). I can't wait to hear all the great memories you all have!

Please share this with the non-fb family members! I have very few e-mail addresses so please help me get this out there! Also, if you are in possession of family memorabilia such as journals, photos, letters, etc. please scan those items so we can share them. Don't have the time? That is a task I will take on if you can get the stuff to my house. I'll even get it back to you when I finish. I feel that our family history is an important part of who we are as aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins, but also as individuals and I hope that this blog can help us spread that history and keep us connected.

So, on that note I get to share first :).

This time of year my thoughts turn to pomegranates. I remember that way back in the corner of the yard of the West Covina  house there was a pomegranate bush. If I remember correctly the bush was actually in Kurt and Vernel's yard (hope I didn't misspell their names too badly), but it grew over the fence and anything on "our" side of the fence was fair game. Those were the yummiest, juiciest, most wonderful pomegranates. I remember one time in particular Grandpa was puttering in his garage with the doors wide open in case a neighbor wandered by and wanted to say hi. I was in the garage with him and he split open a pomegranate and handed half to me. I started chomping down those delicious little jewels, not taking much care of the juice. By the time mom tracked me down I must have looked something like a zombie at Thanksgiving because I can't remember a time before or since that my mom made such a fuss about what I'd done to myself. I think I ruined my shirt and it was some time before my fingers lost the stain of Pomegranate juice. I owe my continued love affair for pomegranates to that bush in the backyard.

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